Daughter of Kings is first and foremost the title of my novel, the first book of the Cold Counsel trilogy. It’s a feminist reworking of traditional high fantasy, minus the elves and casual misogyny. It will update every week (once the community is up and running).
But Daughter of Kings is also so much more. You see, I believe writing is more fun with friends. I created this website so I could reach out to all my fellow fantasy fans in a more direct, personal way. I want to be there, talking to you, the readers, hearing what you think, answering your questions and listening to your stories.
More importantly, as a middle-class, cisgender, able-bodied white woman, there are many important issues that I simply don’t have the experience and authority to speak on. Although my work touches on things like race, class, disability and trans issues, because I felt leaving them out would be more harmful than writing from a limited perspective, I want to open up a constant dialogue to make sure I’m getting it right. I see all of you as my editors, informing my work with your greater experience, critiquing me where I go wrong and just generally holding me to a higher standard.
the writers’ every Sunday evening at room will be in We7pm GMT, three days after release day on Thursday, to talk about that week’s chapter. If you just want to come and hang out, that’s cool, but if you’re not happy for whatever reason, I promise to listen to and take seriously any critique, however small.
I am also passionate about linking up with other amazing, trailblazing writers, and my other section will be dedicated to showcasing the best unpublished fiction that is written by, or deals with the experiences of, marginalised groups. If you’re an author yourself and you’re interested in being a part of this, find out more here
My vision for DOK is a community of like-minded people coming together to talk about social justice and fantasy, to critique what’s already out there and to share their experiences, their knowledge and their creativity.
Daughter of Kings does not do ads.
Daughter of Kings will remain as open as possible, for as long as is financially sustainable for me.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in getting involved in, go ahead and start reading, and hit me up in the comments. If you like what you see, please consider becoming a patron: [patreon link here].
Francesca Cavey